Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences & Technology
Management Information System
[ F O F M S T M I S ]
Welcome To The Management Information System!    ::: News :::   Here is the link for hydrography practical for 15th batch:- https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_LMgxDoYD__AiGS_9VQUAf6HHCQhROtZ?usp=sharing     Hydrography and Navigation (OCG 3132) Practical Assignment :- Here is the linked for OCG 3132 practical for 15th batch. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1_LMgxDoYD__AiGS_9VQUAf6HHCQhROtZ?usp=sharing Submit your assignments under your index number in the same Google Drive by 31.10.2024 Head/OCG    Resume Academic activities of the Faculty:- It was decided to resume the academic activities of the Faculty ONLINE (Theory only) from 17 April 2023, and PHYSICALLY (Theory & Practical) from 20 April 2023. This decision was taken to support students travelling from all corners of the country.     Use of Face Masks in the Examinations:- You are requested to wear Face Masks in the examination halls.    Recommencement of the Academic works:- It was decided to recommence the academic activities of the two degree programs of the Faculty from Next Tuesday (17th May). You are requested to use the time table being used    Academic Programmes of the Faculty:- It was decided to resume the acedemic activities of the Faculty physically with effect from next Monday (25th April 2022). Eligible students can report to the hostels on Sunday    Academic Programmes of the Faculty:- It was decided, not to resume academic programmes of the faculty during this week due to problems arisen for some students. We will inform you of the new date soon, after reviewing the country situation.    Academic activities of the Faculty:- It was decided at today morning meeting that Academic programme of the Two degree programmes will be resumed from 21st April, considering the requests and prevailing situation of country. Therefore, students are requested to report to hostels on 20th.    Resume Academic Activities:- The academic programme of the two-degree programs of the Faculty will be resumed from 19th April 2022 for Level I, II, III & IV students. Please follow the given timetable for theory and practical sessions from Tuesday (19th)    google link to collect information:- .https://forms.gle/KWzCyDGacQoeTp5s6    Mathematics course:- Notice: Submit the answer scripts for the Take Home Examination by 10th November 2020. Please self enrolled in the Modelue FDN 1142 which is uploaded under the Limnology and Water Technology Department. We will conduct a special lecture for repeated     OCG4172:- The Course OCG 4172 will be started from tomorrow 9-12 noon    Commencement of OCG 3152:- OCG 3152 (Statistics for Experimental Analysis) will be started from this Sunday (20/09/2020) at 9.00 am.     sisu diriya:- "The deadline for the submission of Sisu Diriya Scholarship Applications was extended until 31st of August 2020."     Important:- All students FMST, Pl follow the instructions given by the government for eradicating COVID19 from Sri Lanka Dean/FMST     singing of portfolio by mentors:- All students have to enter the results/extra activities of last semester in your portfolio and take the signature of your mentors Dean/FMST    meeting mentors:- All students must meet your mentors and provide information sheets to relevant mentors before the end of this semester Dean/FMST    Identity Card is compulsory :- All students in FMST have to show student identity card to the security officers while you are entering to the University    submission of excuses for attendance:- Please submit your excuses for attendance of academic work before starting the study leave for the current semester    submission of personal detail to mentors:- All students should meet your mentors for singing admission for the examination and submit detail forms to the mentors Dean/FMST  

University of Ruhuna
Matara-Sri Lanka

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E-Mail: madushika@fish.ruh.ac.lk

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